Sunday 11 November 2012

The Talbot and The Movember Challenge

It's tricky to go anywhere during November without seeing some attempts at top lip facial hair in recent years.  I use the word attempts, as some offerings are somewhat...more sparse than others.  Whatever the extent of the moustaches that have sprouted up on so many men, the fact remains that they are doing it for all the right reasons.  'Movember' is an ingenious concept brought about to raise much needed funds and awareness to men's health charities.  

The male staff here at The Talbot have decided that they would like to give it a go (with varying levels of success) and we are all behind them 100%, and hope that you will be too.  If you would like to show your support, please do pop into reception and sponsor us - all proceeds will be donated to men's health charities.  For more information, please have a look here 

Happy growing!