Tuesday 4 September 2012

Car Parking

The Talbot Hotel. Eatery and Coffee House is conveniently located right in the heart of Oundle, near Peterborough, making it very easy to get to. There is car parking throughout the town if you are popping in for a short visit, with our own car park at the rear of the hotel for hotel residents or dinner guests.

To get to the car park, drive past the hotel with the hotel on your left, then continue 300 meters past the Oundle School. Take the first left at the crossroads onto Milton Road, then take the first left almost immediately after turning into Milton Road, just before the primary school, on to Drummingwell Lane. You will have a high wall to your left. Continue down the lane for around 200 meters to reach our car park. Please be aware you will need to pick up a parking permit from reception.

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