Wednesday 31 October 2012

The Talbot Hauntings

As today is Halloween, our thoughts here at The Talbot are naturally drawn to the creepy and the supernatural.  It is to fair to say that our thoughts never stray too far from this subject; The Talbot is after all reported to be one of the most haunted hotels in Great Britain.  Made famous in ghostly circles by our connections to Mary, Queen of Scots, we have certainly lived up to our reputation throughout the years with countless tales of spooky experiences, odd happenings and strange sightings. 

The hotel was build on ancient monastic ground over four hundred years ago, puzzled together using reclaimed materials from Fotheringhay castle which was demolished by the order of James I as a kind of redemption for his mothers' captivity and untimely death.  It is said that our main oak staircase and beautiful feature windows come directly from Mary's prison, and it is these locations that are at the centre of alleged paranormal activity at the hotel.  

It has been reported that a female figure, dressed in white, believed to be the doomed Scottish Queen has been seen standing at the top of our staircase, at the windows looking out of The Whitwell Room and also through the diamond windows overlooking the courtyard - unmistakable in a white gown and cap.  Hysterical sobbing has even been heard in this part of the hotel, made even more tragic when it was revealed that this experience took place on the anniversary of Mary's execution.  

Whether you are a believer of spectres and spirits or not, it is clear that The Talbot has a rich history, and the walls must have many a tale to tell.  We are very proud of our past, and we are more than happy to show visitors around the hotel, pointing out the key features and wonderful detail that has been so lovingly maintained and cared for throughout our recent refurbishment.  Ghostly happening have been a little quiet of late - we can only assume that Mary approves. 

If you have any questions about the history of The Talbot, to book a room or a meal in our award winning Eatery, please do give us a call on 01832 273621 and we will be more than happy to help you.

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